Dormant Company Accounts

Dormant Company Accounts

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Dormant Company Accounts

Please complete our online application form and make your payment by credit or debit card. You will receive a receipt of payment confirmation email, and then within 3 to 5 working days you will receive a confirmation of order fulfilled (when your dormant company accounts are successfully filed at Companies House). Please note: We may need to contact you for additional information, if your company was not incorporated using our website. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Company Information

Please provide the name and registration number of the limited company you wish dormant company accounts filed at Companies House:

Director Information

Please provide the name of the director who will be approving the dormant company accounts.

Share Information

Please let us know if the shareholders have paid for the shares that were issued at time of incorporation:

Please note: If you don’t know if the shares are paid or unpaid, we will submit your accounts with the shares marked 'paid'. This will ensure the shareholders do not incur a potential S419 tax claim from HMRC, due to the Company lending the shareholders the value of the shares.